Now with 30% more EVHotels

EV Touring while using hotel chargers is the most convenient form of EV travel. Avoid wasting time at charger stations.

Easily discovering EVHotels from your list of favorite hotel brands maximizes the use of your hotel chain's frequent stayer memberships.
Find hotels that offer charging using your car's charger port and adaptors
The EVHotels App shows you:
Hotels that offer Electric Car Charging located and managed directly on premises
Hotels that have Electric Car Charging within walking distance - sometimes, the next best solution
Stand-alone roadside chargers- just like many other apps do
Your favorite brand Hotels highlighted uniquely from other Hotels

Remember, if you drive a Tesla, you can charge over night using your car's J1772 adaptor. Many EVHotels in the USA offer J1772 ports.
What's New in the EVHotels App for 2021?
We've added approximately 30% more EV hotels - this, thanks to the large number of hotels that have installed chargers over the past year, and also registered with EVHotels
Now, more than 25,000 stay and charge EVHotels
More than 250,000 hotels worldwide
170+ Hotel Brands now supported
We've added a Holiday Rental category for your hotel searches
Call ahead to hotel with a simple tap added to the hotel information screen
More plugs and adaptor types are supported
Now with over 100,000 Stand alone, roadside chargers.
A substantial number of additional Charger Networks have been added - now 100+ EV Network Providers
Updated to support iOS 14 for iPhone and iPad
Significant database optimization and performance tuning
Stability, accuracy and speed of use improvements
EVHotels App : Download the new free 2021 update here

Hi, I purchased the iPad version of the app. Is there a desktop MacOS version for my iMac or Macbook? Please let me know. Many thanks,